Discover the 2020 annual report


June 10 2021


The Conseil



Nos actions

2020 was marked by uncertainty and challenges across the board. Throughout the year, we have witnessed the agility of several artists, collectives and organizations who quickly adopted alternative solutions to ensure that their work and art could reach the public despite all the constraints the current crisis imposed.

For its part, the Conseil des arts de Montréal has been able to face these challenges thanks to the perseverance and agility of its teams as well as to the collaborative work that began several years ago. The Conseil remain attentive to the artistic community, participate in discussions and provide effective support to the community.

Throughout the year, the Conseil adjusted its actions, practices and initiatives in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the Montreal arts community. These adjustments will be presented in detail throughout this annual report.

The 2020 Annual Report available online

Read more about our strategic priorities and the Conseil’s numerous accomplishments: residencies, subsidies, programs, partnerships, etc. and of course, our financial statements.

Good reading!

Full Annual Report
Financial state (In French Only)
List of subsidized-organizations (In French Only)