ARISTA Cultural Entrepreneur Award

Are you or your organization part of the next generation of the arts and culture community? Organized by the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Montréal (JCCM), the ARISTA Provincial Competition is a key event for showcasing the next generation of Quebec business leaders.

ARISTA Cultural Entrepreneur Award


Who is eligible for this award?

Young arts and culture entrepreneurs in Quebec.

Applicants must be aged between 18 and 40 and involved in a non-profit organization that has been providing professional artistic activities for more than one year.

What are the program objectives?

The ARISTA Provincial Competition is organized annually by the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Montréal. The event has been rewarding the talents of Quebec’s next generation of business leaders for over 40 years.

The Conseil des arts de Montréal is proud to support the Young Entrepreneur of Quebec: Arts and Culture category to help develop Quebec’s emerging talented and innovative business leaders.



What is the award and/or benefits granted?

The winning entrepreneur will be awarded the JCCM’s ARISTA Provincial Competition Award, including a grant from the Conseil des arts de Montréal.

What do the partners provide?

The Junior Chamber of Commerce of Montréal is responsible for organizing the entire ARISTA contest. The Conseil des arts de Montréal will award the recipient a $2,500 grant.



What are the general eligibility criteria?

The applicant must have established or must manage a non-profit organization, hold voting power or exercise factual control in the organization and have a significant influence over its operations and strategic directions. The organization must operate in the cultural field and pursue a professional artistic mission. The applicant’s organization must have been in operation for at least one year prior to the reference date.

For more information on application requirements, visit the contest website here.

Questions about certain terms?

Consult our glossary


How do I apply?

Any person who meets the eligibility requirements can apply by returning to the JCCM the application form available on the Competition website here, in the form and manner prescribed by the JCCM.

The duly completed application form and required documents must be received by the JCCM no later than the last day of the application period, which is publicly disclosed by the JCCM. The application deadline may be extended by the JCCM at its sole discretion.

Any person may nominate a potential applicant by completing and sending to the JCCM the “Reference Form,” in the form and manner prescribed by the JCCM, no later than fifteen business days before the application deadline.


How are applicants evaluated?

The JCCM forms a pre-selection and a final selection committee, each comprising five people. They evaluate applications according to the criteria below.

What are the evaluation criteria?

Applications are evaluated based on the information the applicant provides in the questionnaire and on the required documents using the following criteria:

  • leadership
  • achievements
  • vision and perseverance
  • innovation
  • level of involvement

Award presentation

How are the Award and Grant awarded?

At an awards gala organized by the JCCM, bringing together a large number of its members that are involved or interested in developing the next generation of business leaders in the cultural community, as well as business partners, representatives of the Conseil.

The JCCM decides on the date of the awards gala.


Résultats de programme

In accordance with the resolution adopted by the Board of Directors at the November 28, 2023 meeting, the Conseil reports the results for the ARISTA Cultural Entrepreneur Award, awarded on November 7, 2023:

Number of eligible applications submitted: 19

Recipient : Rosalie Beauchamp

Total amount invested: 2 500 $

Need more information?
Talar Agopian
Talar Agopian
Philanthropy Advisor and Data Analyst

514 280-3857